The biggest reason why Americans fail to graduate from US community colleges. This is because Algebra and 60% enrolled students out of total must complete at least one course of mathematics. Also failing percentage in algebra subject are high as compared to other subjects. After the interview of Eloy Ortiz Oakley, chancellor of California Community Colleges this becomes a public debate.

According to him by dropping the algebra requirement will increase the number of graduates and he says it a “civil rights issue”.

He proposed to drop the algebra because 50% of students fail in it and they can’t complete the graduation requirement.  As algebra used in 5% jobs only and he suggests statistics as an alternative to Algebra.

Some of the community colleges decided to drop the algebra as a requirement. Infect statistics fulfill the need of algebra and also a requirement for transfer from CCC to CSU or CCC to UC. With the amendment or change the algebra requirement policy college graduation rate increases. A college or university graduate may decrease the cycle of poverty and this cannot be done until the drop of algebra requirement. Now the voice raised against algebra civil rights publically and algebra requirement already ruined the future of many US students.

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