Every year 82% of high school students fail in algebra final exams. This show that US public schools are not good at preparing the students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematical fields. The highest ratio of failing in algebra is in Montgomery and the primary answer from authorities, they are giving 15 extra points to overcome the failing ration. Due to failing in algebra, 1 out of 5 Americans do not qualify for graduation and this will be the worst for the US where every year graduation rates decrease . There may be a lot of reason but here are some primary reasons why students fail in algebra:
- Only 5% jobs in which algebra used but necessary for all to pass algebra 1. The student has no choice until they pass.
- The hiring of less experienced teachers in science and math at most of the public schools.
- Inequality in public school grants cause the uncompleted classrooms and labs.
- No proper system to maintain the class attendance.
Now failing in algebra is a serious debate in the US and they are calling its civil rights issue. Eloy Ortiz Oakley is the first person who speaks about algebra civil rights issue in a TV interview. He is the chancellor of community college California and he gives an alternative of algebra could be statistics.